Aquaex Bhimavaram | Showcasing DCA offerings for Aquaculture Bio-Security needs

The Aquaex Bhimavaram exhibition was a great opportunity for Domestic Chlor-Alkali business to showcase its offerings for aquaculture bio-security needs. We showcased two key products – Aqua Armor D+ and Vikram PAC. Aqua Armor D+ is a highly effective disinfectant specifically designed to meet the unique requirements of the aquaculture industry, providing protection from disease causing organisms like bacteria, viruses, fungus and other parasites. It also helps reduce shrimp stress through improved water quality while reducing sludge build up in ponds and tanks. Vikram PAC on the other hand is used as a coagulant aid that flocculates suspended solids found in pond water thus improving clarity and helping with filtration efficiency. The combination of these two products can help create an ideal environment for shrimp growth while eliminating potential health related issues caused by poor water quality.