Ganjam Unit Wins Award For ‘Efficiency in Energy Usage’ At FICCI Chemicals and Petrochemicals Awards 2022

The Chlor-Alkali Business unit located in Ganjam, India has achieved an outstanding accomplishment by winning the FICCI Chemicals and Petrochemicals Awards 2022 in the category of Efficiency in Energy Usage. This award is a recognition of the unit's commitment to sustainable practices and efforts towards energy conservation.

The team at Ganjam Unit is proud to have been acknowledged for their hard work and dedication to making their operations more efficient and environmentally friendly. The unit's application was based on their last 5 years data submitted to FICCI, which showcased the various initiatives and strategies implemented by the unit to reduce their carbon footprint, promote the use of renewable energy sources, and improve energy efficiency. This award is a validation of the team's commitment towards sustainability and a testament to their dedication to making a positive impact on the environment.