Lakshya Channel Partner Meet 2024: A Resounding Success!

Reflecting on the recent Lakshya Channel Partner Meet in Kochi organised by the Chlor-Alkali Business of Aditya Birla Chemicals from 8th April to 9th April 2024, we experienced an orchestration of ambition and unity. The event, now a cherished memory, signified more than its agenda; it was a testament to our shared journey and collective aspirations.

The meet's schedule, a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation, culminated in activities such as the boat race. This event, symbolic of our collaborative spirit, mirrored our industry leadership efforts. Meanwhile, the Lakshya Heritage Tour provided a reflective passage through our collective history, informing and inspiring our strategic discussions.

The thematic welcome dinner offered a communal celebration of our partnerships, adding a ‘southern taste’ to our fun. However, central to the agenda were the Performance Excellence League and Lakshya awards, forums of ideation, recognition and excellence. Here, we engaged in a collaborative exchange, charting a course for a promising and challenging future.

The theme for FY25, was laid out by our CEO of Chlor-Alkali Business, Mr Mayank Sharma of “Higher together”, with which we departed enriched by the experience and fortified in our resolve. The Lakshya Channel Partner Meet has underscored the potential of what we can accomplish together, establishing a benchmark not just for the upcoming fiscal year, but for the future at large.

Embracing the ethos of Lakshya 2024, we continue to advance with aligned goals, a unified vision, and steadfast determination, looking to scale new heights and celebrate the milestones of our collective journey. 

Here’s a sneak peek to the post event AV -